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Discussions (Copy)

Around the World in 80 Minutes

It is a wonderful world out there, and so much of it converges here at Penn State. Come join ISG this semester as we host a roundtable discussion for internationals by internationals. Each week an international student will choose a topic that you and moderate a roundtable discussion. As you choose the topic, the discussions will hit on things of concern around the world. As you participate, we will learn much about peoples thoughts, opinions and beliefs from around the world!

Interested in choosing a topic and moderating the roundtable discussion? Fill out this form:

Around the World in 80 Minutes Volunteer form

Join us this fall for our ISG discussions on Tuesday nights at 7pm in Garden Room of the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center followed by a time of food at a local restaurant.

We welcome students of all nationalities, backgrounds, and belief systems (religious or non-religious). We invite all perspectives and disagreements. Our hope is that, after these discussions, you will be able to confidently make a fully informed decision on what you believe!