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Spring Break 2025!!!
to Mar 15

Spring Break 2025!!!

  • Windy Gap - A Young Life Camp (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A part of you wants to go home, but the better part of you wants to hang out with your friends without having to worry about homework and exams! Come to Windy Gap, North Carolina with tons of other DCF students and enjoy the great outdoors at a YoungLife camp as we labor for the gospel. During the day you will serve by doing different jobs for the camp to get it ready for YoungLife students to arrive later in the year. But during the night we have speakers, Bible study, games and plenty of hanging out. This is one of the PREMIER times of connecting with DCF and making friends that will last a lifetime! Register here!

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Women's Conference
to Apr 6

Women's Conference

  • 1550 Doubling Gap Road Newville, PA 17241 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

LADIES! Midway through the semester, you will want a break! How about jumping in the car to join other DCF women from all across Pennsylvania as you go to a beautiful camp in the woods to hear from speakers about biblical womanhood? You will have a great time of fellowship and growth in this weekend getaway in Doubling Gap, PA.

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to May 16


  • 1550 Doubling Gap Road Newville, PA, 17241 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As the semester winds down, you’ll want to spend some time with all of your friends before the summer starts. Join us for a week of camp with hundreds of other DCF students as we grow in our walks with the Lord together! There will be biblical teaching, practical training, free time, and much more!

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First Year Group (FYG)
7:00 PM19:00

First Year Group (FYG)

Every Tuesday, and starting January 21st, First Year Group is a great place for anyone who is new to DCF. We’re all about getting you connected with a community where you can make new friends and learn what this whole “gospel of Jesus” really is all about. Whether you're a Christian, agnostic, atheist, or hold to another faith, we welcome you to explore the Bible with us as we learn how to apply it to our daily lives! Join us in the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center (Frizzell)!

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DiscipleMakers Christian Fellowship (DCF)
7:00 PM19:00

DiscipleMakers Christian Fellowship (DCF)

Every Friday night, and starting THIS Friday, we come together in the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center to worship God and hear a message from the Bible. Plus, after the meeting you'll find us playing games, hanging out and having fun together. The weekly large group is a great way to connect with people, make friends that you'll have for the rest of your life, and feel more at home in the DCF community. Come on out...we'd really love to meet you!

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